Details :

Mon - Fri: 7:00AM - 18:00PM
+39 345 7901588
Iron Octorate is a specialty drier which is active only at bake temperatures of above 120ºC and can be used only in darkly pigmented coatings as it contributes a brownish red color. He is a good wetting agent for carbon black pigments yielding better grinds and helps to avoid loss of dry problems. This product has also been reported to reduce the tendency for orange peeling in black automotive bake finishes. The most common uses are as active drier in backing-stove finishes (usually dark colored finishes), as a through drier and a replacement of lead in aluminum paints, as an adhesion promoter in the anti-corrosion coatings, as printing ink drier, and as a combustion catalyst. In this specific case it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is already out of date, which can have an influence on the product's characteristics and consequently on its final application.

SAPEC Química
- Started from: Apr 13, 2023
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