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“By submitting the purchase order and using our platform, you acknowledge and accept that:
1) The purchase order is subject to the vendor confirmation as to availability and quantity of the ordered goods, within 72 hours from the order submission, and will be fulfilled only after receipt of the relevant purchase price.
2) The purchased goods are qualified as “SMOG”.
3) Such definition includes, without distinction, the following potential features:
(a) Goods close to the expiration date that might not, for this reason, preserve, in part or entirely, their original characters and qualities.
(b) Goods not close to the expiration date whose preservation state may not (and is not) however guaranteed nor has been verified by us.
(c) Scrap items destined to be disposed as waste.
(d) Goods with expired date that might not for this reason, preserve, in part or entirely, their original characters and qualities.
3) We do not operate any control on the situation of the goods and do not make any representation nor guarantee in this respect.
4) We will not be liable, and you irrevocably waive to hold us liable (as you waive any claim or action against us), for defects, potential lack of quality or lower value of the goods.
You further confirm that you will use the goods in compliance with the provisions of law, with the relevant intended use and the respective characters, as well as with any vendor specific instruction.”